Zágrábi nyár - University School of Croatian Language and Culture 2025
A Zágrábi Egyetem ösztöndíjpályázatot hirdet a University School of Croatian Language and Culture 2025 nyári egyetemre, melyre egy jelentkezőt várnak, aki a a Pécsi Tudományegyetem nappali hallgatója és lehetőleg horvát származású/kötődésű.
A nyári egyetem helyszíne és időpontja: Zágráb, 2025. június 23 - július 18.
Az eredeti felhívás (angol nyelven)
The Language Teaching Institute (SLI) of the Faculty of Philology at the University of Freiburg will regularly offer the SLI Staff Week as part of ERASMUS+ from March 2025. This program is aimed at university members from all over Europe and offers a variety of opportunities for professional development and international exchange.
The SLI Staff Week includes the following program focuses:
- German language courses (20 lessons per week) at levels A1 to B1, ideal for those who want to improve their language skills in interactive groups while learning about German culture.
- Workshops on innovative teaching and leadership techniques (20 teaching units per week, in English), which teach practical methods for everyday university life and sustainably strengthen teaching and leadership skills.
- Seminars on sustainability at universities (20 teaching units per week, in English), in which strategies for promoting sustainable university development are presented.
The courses take place in a relaxed atmosphere in the historic center of Freiburg. The campus in the historic city center and the attractive location of Freiburg also offer participants the opportunity to explore the border triangle - from the Black Forest to Basel, Zurich, Strasbourg, Paris or Milan.
Further details on the program and organisational information can be found in the flyer and on our website. We would be delighted if you could forward this information to interested colleagues in your network.
Greetings from Belgium!
We are thrilled to announce that applications are now open for our 2025 winter school programmes.
In February, we are offering eight unique programmes on exciting and diverse topics, including Diamonds, Food Systems Law and Policy, European Solidarity, and Sustainable Logistics—there is something for everyone. Other engaging themes include Water, Relationality and Ethics, International Design, Pharma Logistics, and Researching Open Innovation—all designed to inspire and challenge you.
What is more, three of our winter schools will be held on location, jointly developed in collaboration with partner institutions, offering you an authentic international experience like never before.
Looking ahead to Summer 2025, we are already gearing up for three incredible programmes: Children’s Literature, Vaccinology, and Responsible Fashion Management. And there is even more to come—our full lineup of 20+ summer schools will be launched in February!
Join us and make your winter and summer unforgettable!
More information at: